![]() Sunday, December 21, 2008 {♥} 1:17 AM Haha!! What a way to start off with a new post by saying "haha"... LOlx Anyway, back to the point... Yeah, going to tell you what i done for today. Early in the morning i went out with my mum for breakfast and back home. After that I went out during afternoon to celebrate Ah guan's birthday and Berry was there too. We three went to The Cathay for Twilight. Well, it's nice! And we'd caramel popcorns, not bad too... haha... After the movie i rushed off to part 3 of the Day event, Went all the way to kallang for a pre-celebration for christmas with SPARC members. It's held at a condo function room, i cannot rmb the condo name is mekena or makana... Just rmb smth Mxxxxx...lols...=P End of my day! Good night everyone... |
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![]() She is Serene 我不是公主,我是女王! Sorry, but i'm the Queen. Give Life More Than A Casual Glance Always Carry a Smile that Never Fades Their blog blog ♥
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+Year 1 Sem 2 MST over!!! Wow... =D +Holiday soon... but now MST...=/ +Scenary +But you didn't +MADAGASCAR 2 +Strategy of life! +Rule! |
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